Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for paying attention to DEMOCRAFT and taking the time to write an article about us. Feel free to read the other pages on this site to better inform your thoughts - and we’ve also summarized our history on the following page, in case you haven’t read it yet!

📸 Brand Guidelines

The brand guidelines for DEMOCRAFT are a bit complex, as we have many creations that influence each other. But we promise, with a few explanations, everything becomes clear:

👥 Our Mascots

The main mascot of DEMOCRAFT is DEMO, a brick block that moves and talks.



🎨 Our Color Palette

We have a simple color palette: red, red, and red. If you want to use our palette for backgrounds, we recommend using our block palette (brick, sandstone, granite, and stripped oak log).

Pattern Banner

Our logo comes in three versions - feel free to use whichever fits your needs best.

Official LogoPixel Perfect Logo (Rounded edges)Empty Logo

📦 Our 3D Renders

Since we are a Minecraft server, we’ve also created various “Minecraft-style” 3D renders for posters on different platforms.

Flat 3D render of the text DEMOCRAFT This 3D render has no subtitle and is the most faithful to the style of the latest Minecraft logo.

Cracked 3D render of the text DEMOCRAFT with both editions on it This 3D render is the first one we used - it’s still the one on our website.

Cracked 3D render of the text DEMOCRAFT with Java Edition on it This 3D render appears in the pause menu of Minecraft: Java Edition.

Cracked 3D render of the text DEMOCRAFT with Bedrock Edition on it This 3D render appears in the pause menu of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

🖍️ Our Team

We also have a drawing style for creating renders of our server members. Here’s an example with our current staff.


In addition to the shared style between avatars, you’ll find the block palette behind each avatar with colors corresponding to the staff members’ ranks. There are also avatars for players, like these examples:

CosmoLudoCode N.Y.
CosmoLudoCode NY

We frequently hold commissions and giveaways for avatars :)

📝 Conclusion

We hope we’ve shared enough resources to help with your article! Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions - whether about our server or this press kit - we’ll be happy to assist!