🪄 Scenarios
🌻 Flower Power
Breaking a flower gives you a random item—often an interesting one.
📦 Random Drops
The items you break drop other items. A flower could turn into a diamond block or a slightly weathered cut copper stair.
Each identical item always turns into the same other item, so strategies are possible.
🪅 Random Craft
The output of crafting recipes is randomized.
🗻 Sky High
After 30 minutes, all players below Y-level 120 will start taking damage.
🚀 Fly High
You receive an Elytra at the start of the game. A little gift!
🏜 Nether Start
You start the UHC in the Nether. Cool, right?
⚡️ CutClean
Ores smelt automatically, and food drops cooked. The apple drop rate is 5%, and the flint drop rate is 90%. Lapis is not required for enchanting.
💧 Fireless
You cannot take fire damage.
🏹 Bowless
You cannot craft bows.
🪃 Rodless
You cannot craft fishing rods.
👜 Shieldless
You cannot craft shields.
🩸 Blood Diamonds
Mining diamonds deals half a heart of damage.
🪓 Timber
Breaking a log will break the entire tree.
🦄 Horseless
You cannot tame horses, donkeys, or mules.
🧨 Timebomb
After killing a player, their items are stored in a chest that explodes 30 seconds later.
🎢 No-Fall
Fall damage is disabled.
🧟♂️ BestPvE
At the start of the game, all players are added to the BestPvE list.
Players on this list gain one extra heart every 10 minutes. If you take damage, you are removed from the list.
If you kill a player, you are re-added to the list.
📈 Double Ore/Double Gold/Triple Ores
Ores drop double or triple the usual amount.
🪙 Goldless
You cannot mine gold.
🎒 Team Inventory
Each team has a shared inventory accessible via the /teaminventory
👑 No-Clean
Grants 30 seconds of invincibility after each kill. Attacking another player removes this effect.
✨️ Hastey Boys
All tools you craft are enchanted with Unbreaking and Efficiency 3.
🎏 Lucky Leaves
Trees have a 0.5% chance to drop a golden apple.
🎁 Bleeding Sweets
Upon death, a player drops 1 diamond, 5 gold ingots, 1 book, 2 string, and 16 arrows.
🔮 Switcheroo
If you hit someone with an arrow, you swap positions with them.
🧱 Vein Miner
Mining an ore breaks the entire vein.
🐉 DragonRush
The first team to kill the Ender Dragon wins! There is a portal at 0,0.
❤️🔥 Love At First Sight
With this scenario, you don’t choose your team at the start. You must click on another player in-game to team up.
⏳️ Fast Leaves Decay
Tree leaves disappear almost instantly.
☄️ Fast Smelting
Items smelt five times faster.
🌀 Super Heroes
Each player receives a random effect: Speed 1, Strength 1, Resistance 2, Invisibility, Jump Boost 4, or 6 extra hearts.
🥷 Anonymous
Player names are unreadable.
🎣 Gone Fishing
At the start of the game, each player receives a fishing rod with Luck of the Sea 3.
🌌 Infinite Enchants
You receive 64 enchanting tables, 64 anvils, 64 blocks of lapis, and a ton of experience (like, a lot).
👨👩👦 Children Left Unattended
When a teammate dies, you receive a Speed potion and a Strength potion.
🤫 Silent Night
At night, messages and nametags are not visible.
🌓 PermaKill
When a player dies, the time of day switches between day and night.
🔗 Weakest Link
Every 10 minutes, the player with the lowest health dies. If multiple players have the same lowest health, no one dies.
🥚 Eggs
Throwing an egg spawns a random mob. Chickens have a 5% chance to drop an egg when killed.
🪤 No Going Back
Once you enter another dimension, you cannot return to the Overworld.
💕 Double Dates
Players choose a team at the start, and each team is paired with another team.
⤵️ Upside Down Crafting
All crafting recipes are vertically flipped.
🚪 Monsters Inc.
All doors are linked like portals.
🧭 Achievement Hunter
All players start with 5 hearts. Each achievement grants an extra half-heart.
9️⃣ Nine Slots
You can only use the 9 slots in your hotbar.